Study Abroad

Study In USA

The United States of America (USA) is the brightest destination for the students. The American degrees are recognized world over and give a cutting edge advantage for a successful career. Student can encounter and experience almost any climate, landscape, lifestyle, and culture by selecting the right location, The experience obtained during campus life is worth as much as the education itself.

United States of America has the world’s largest International students population, with nearly 6, 50,000 students Nearly 4% of all students enrolled in higher level education are international students, and the numbers are growing each year. USA is the premiere destination for international students, because it has more institutions of higher learning than any other country in the world. There are more than 3,800 universities and colleges in the USA, offering courses at various levels. Research at many of these universities is cutting-edge and often published in journals worldwide the vast of resources in America, the opportunities for practical training related to your field of study are vast.


  • World’s No.1 destination for international students.
  • Third-largest country in world in terms of size and population.
  • Largest economy in world, and one of the most technologically advanced.
  • Some of the highest-quality educational institutions in the world, many with cutting-edge technological resources.
  • Huge range of educational options: some are broadly focused, some are employment-focused, some are niche (e.g., arts, social sciences, technical)


US colleges and universities require that all their applicants take one or more standardized tests. These tests include the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test), ACT test (American College Testing Assessment, GRE (Graduate Record Examination), and GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test). Additionally, International Students also required taking the TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language).

International students applying for an undergraduate program (bachelors degree) will be required to take the TOEFL and the SAT I tests. Some schools will also require the SAT II. There are also many schools that will accept the ACT in place of the SAT I.

Graduate students applying to an arts or science program will be required to take the TOEFL and, usually, the GRE. Graduate students applying to a business program will be required to take the TOEFL and, usually, the GMAT.

Over 2,000 US universities and professional bodies accept IELTS scores as proof of English language skills. Over 1,000,000 people a year are now using IELTS to open doors throughout the English-speaking world and beyond n good universities, a good GMAT score is required, in addition to IELTS or TOEFL scores and work experience of 2-3 years, in addition to decent academic performance at the Bachelor's level.


The U.S. has the world’s largest population of international students: nearly 600,000. Education system in the USA is different from the British system of education as practiced by India and from other countries.

After the Nursery school and Kindergarten, primary or elementary education starts, which will be from first to sixth grade. Grades from 7thto 12th is known as secondary education in which seventh to ninth are known as Junior High School grades and 10thto 12thare known as Senior High School Grades.

One could join the first year of college, either in a community college which offers a two-year Associate degree or a technical institute of similar duration programs. Completion of this level will make one eligible to take up two more years of the undergraduate program at a four-year college or a university, on completion of which leads to a Bachelor's degree. A Master's degree after that could be between one to two years. And Doctoral level education could be simultaneous along with the Master's or additional, which can be another 3-4 years. On completion of two years in college (first two years of Bachelor's program) one could join a first professional degree, which will be an additional four years. First professional degrees are normally offered in Pharmacy, Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Law, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine etc. In some fields, the master's degree is the next highest degree awarded after completion of the first professional degree. Finally, once a student earns his doctoral degree, he could pursue further research/study as a Post-Doctoral Fellow, which is the highest level of education anywhere in the world. Students from all over the world come to study in usa.